Aikido - February
Monday 24 February, 11.30am to 12.30pm, 6 weeks, £60 Full / £48 Concession
Description of Class
About the course The Shodokan system of aikido is superbly structured to develop technical understanding; fully engaging your mind and body and learning to work with your partners in cooperation rather than confrontation. Paul has been running Sussex Aikido since 1998 so brings a wealth of knowledge to the practice. As well as studying the basic and applied posture and techniques, you will start to engage the mind in your aikido practice, appreciate win-win by working with your partners in learning and see how aikido can be a tool for self-defence, confidence-building, fitness and increasing flexibility. Paul's classes are a great opportunity to gain or regain confidence in your body’s capabilities. They will also encourage you to gently push your boundaries and rediscover natural, effective power and energy. Please wear comfortable, cool clothing Any questions about the practice contact Paul Bonett - Call or text 07774 629014 Caveat: Aikido falls are not an essential part of our practice :) Your tutor: Paul Bonett has been running Sussex Aikido since 1998. He is a karate 4th Dan and holds a 6th Dan in Aikido. Paul started his aikido career in 1979, originally practicing under Brian Elgood, now deceased. In the early 90s, he started studying the Shodokan system, developed by Tomiki Kenji sensei, and subsequently by its current chief instructor, Nariyama Tetsuro shihan in Osaka, Japan. Paul tries to get there every year to improve his knowledge.